Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Treatment for
Hyperpigmentation, Sun Damage, and Rosacea


BBL (Broadband Light) commonly known as IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) therapy is used to treat hyperpigmentation, sun damaged skin, and Rosacea. Our Sciton BBL machine is the world's most powerful IPL device.


How does IPL therapy work?

Since sun damage can manifest in the form of so many different skin issues, IPL treatments are ideal because they can address every type of sun damage. IPL works by heating collagen deep within the skin. This triggers new collagen production, creating smoother skin above. When IPL is used to target darker skin cells (such as freckles or hyperpigmentation) the melanin causing the darkness is broken down. The tiny particles of pigment will then either flake away over the following week or are swept away by the lymphatic system.


Rosacea is a skin condition that affects countless adults. It is primarily genetic, but, over time environmental factors such as over-exposure to the sun and working in areas where the skin is exposed to high heat can cause capillaries near the skin’s surface to swell and multiply, increasing redness and blotchy patches on the skin. Although there are various rosacea treatment options available, the most effective treatment is IPL; also known as an IPL Photofacial. This treatment, while performed in the comfort of our office, sends light in wavelengths to constrict capillary walls, reducing the inflammation and redness caused by rosacea. After multiple treatment sessions, the skin should become visibly lighter and more even in tone.


For these reasons, IPL is a smart choice for men or women who are experiencing a variety of skin problems from sun damage, hyperpigmentation, or Rosacea.

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